News & Insights

Court Rules on New York Law Requiring Disclosure of Charitable Donors

Nonprofit organizations must obtain an exemption under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code in order for contributions or donations to the organization to be tax deductible. In addition, organizations also must satisfy federal and state registration and filing requirements. However, the differences in federal and state rules can cause concerns for nonprofits, as highlighted … Read more

Your Right to Privacy of Your Medical Records

Individuals have a right of privacy in their medical records under various laws and under the U.S. Constitution. These rights aren’t unlimited, but you can restrict access to your health information and sue if someone violates your rights in certain situations. Your right to sue depends on who breached your privacy and how the breach … Read more

What healthcare providers should know about disclosing patient records

Medical records may be relevant to litigation in different types of cases, including personal injury, malpractice and contractual disputes involving medical or dental (and other healthcare) providers. However, that does not mean that medical records can be freely disclosed by providers. Medical records contain sensitive and confidential personal information which generally should not be disclosed … Read more